The Results of Revival

Thanks for visiting the blog today! We are currently going through a series on the book of Nehemiah. Today’s post picks up about halfway through Nehemiah 8. There is a revival in the city of Jerusalem. It was the Billy Graham Crusade of the Old Testament! Here are three results of revival that we see in this chapter:

Verse 13 says, “Now on the second day the heads of the fathers’ houses of all the people, with the priests and Levites, were gathered to Ezra the scribe, in order to understand the words of the Law.” They loved the Word so much that they came back a second day! Many people today who claim to be Christians are spiritually anemic. They get all they want at Christmas and Easter. In other countries, time means nothing. People have a hunger for the Word! I preached in India and Nepal and some traveled by bus, bike, train, or on foot for days to get to the service! They did not say, “Preach only 25 minutes.”

“Second” is used a number of times in Scripture. God spoke to Abraham out of Heaven a second time. God gave Jacob a second son. In the story of Joseph there was the second dream. The Bible says the first Adam got us in this mess, but the second Adam came to regain what the first Adam lost. Aren’t you glad Jesus came the first time? I have good news for you today… He is coming a second time! Are you ready for the second coming of Jesus? The people in Nehemiah came back a “second” day. Aren’t you glad God is the God of a “second” chance?

Do you love the truth? Do you want more of it? If not, pray for a revival in your own heart today!

Verse 14 begins by saying, “And they found written in the Law….” They were reading the Old Testament.
They realized they were to keep the Feast of Tabernacles, which had not been kept in decades. Doctrinal truth can be lost in just one generation, yet through Bible study, a new generation can learn the truth. Revival can come in the last days. “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (Jn. 8:32).

The mind grows by taking in. The heart grows by giving out. There must be a balance of both. That is why we must not only learn the truth, but…

The people obeyed what they read. In this case, they made the booths and kept the Feast. For centuries it had not been done, yet they welcomed the change. Can you imagine what Sanballat and Tobiah must have thought? If you live for God the world is going to think you are crazy. Your own family may not understand. The experts tell us the church needs to be seeker friendly. The Bible tells us to be Scripture friendly, Spirit friendly, sermon friendly, soul friendly, and Savior friendly.

In this text, obeying was not convenient. The people left their comfort zones. They moved into inconvenient, uncomfortable booths with gladness. James says to be a doer of the word. Your view of God will determine whether or not you are going to obey Him. Jesus said, “If you love me, keep my commandments” (John 14:15).

The goodness of God leads to repentance. Throughout history God has burdened His people to pray, search the Scriptures, and confess sin. Revival came in Nehemiah’s day and it can come in our day. May we love, learn, and live the Truth!

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